
Joint Pain

Chiropractors have a deep understanding of every joint in the body. Your Chiropractor will carry out a thorough examination to find out whether the pain you experience in, for example, your elbow, knee or ankle, may in fact be ‘referred’ from your spine or another joint. This is because the irritation of a nerve in one area can sometimes lead to pain, known as ‘referred’ pain, in other parts of the body. While there is often a spinal component to a problem, your Chiropractor may also adjust other joints to help reduce pain and muscle spasm caused by injury, inflammation, poor posture, wear and tear, or other factors which have lead to factors such as the following:

Reduce pain and muscle spasm

Tennis elbow is the inflammation of the tendons and ligaments that attach to the outside of the elbow. Although most sufferers may not play any racquet sports, it may be a result of the overuse of the muscles of both the forearm and the upper arm, pulling on the tendons’ point of attachment into the elbow.

Frozen Shoulder is an inflammation of the tendons and ligaments around the shoulder joint often due to an abnormal function in the neck and shoulder, which eventually result in severe loss of movement.

Arthritic pain occurs in several forms and chiropractic treatment is appropriate in many cases.

Hip pain may be due to arthritis, but also may be referred from the spine or confused with sacro-iliac pain, or hip dysfunction due to knee, ankle or foot problems.

Knee pain has many causes. Chiropractors commonly see problems with the knee-cap due to an imbalance of muscles around the knee. In many cases, the pain is caused by dysfunction of the lower back.

Full examination

The joints of the heel, ankle and feet are also susceptible to problems. Your Chiropractor will complete a full examination and diagnosis before treating you in the most appropriate way.

​You may also be advised to do specific exercises to help you regain health and flexibility, even if you have arthritis. Until quite recently, patients with pain due to osteoarthritis were advised to rest. However, now it is recognised that movement helps to reduce the pain by relieving pressure on the joints, and by improving flexibility in the surrounding muscles. In our experience, specific joint corrections are in many cases necessary before exercises will be of benefit.