Dr. Adam Manning
MChiro, D.C.(UK)
Deciding to become a Chiropractor following a shoulder injury I went to a few different practitioners but no-one seemed to explain what the problem was or deal with it. I was recommended by a friend to go and see a chiropractor. Not only did I get my explanation but after treatment my shoulder soon started to feel better. This experience inspired me to train as a chiropractor myself.
I studied chiropractic at AECC in Bournemouth, Dorset, following a four years Masters degree (MChiro) validated by Bournemouth University.I have practised in Edinburgh, Manchester, Essex and Windsor.
Before training I was a fitness and climbing coach for Reebok for many years, and I have always had a keen interest in people’s health and well-being.
I have treated people from all walks of life, including professional sports people, from children to centenarians, and I continue to receive treatments from my colleagues.In my spare time I love to be active outdoors … in or on the water, in mountains, or just in the countryside.